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Leftover Bread part 2: Bread Pudding

Story location: Home / food_and_drink /

Yesterday I made both the bread frittata and a bread pudding. The former was eaten for lunch, the latter was put straight in the fridge last night and we had half of it as part of our pudding after tea tonight.


  • Bread, 200g
  • milk, 150ml
  • dried fruit (cranberries, blueberries, sultanas), 100g
  • sugar, 50g, extra for topping
  • eggs, 1
  • butter, 50g, extra for topping
  • spices (cinnamon, ginger, mixed spice), 2 tsp in total
  • orange zest


The method was very similar to the frittata. The milk and egg were whisked together. The butter was melted and allowed to cool down before being stirred in, then the dried fruit, sugar, spices and bread were mixed in. Everything was poured into an 8 inch tin. The top was dotted with pieces of butter and extra sugar was sprinkled on. Again, the tin was covered with foil and baked, also at gas mark 4, for 45 minutes this time. The foil was removed about 10 minutes before the end.

Bread Pudding