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Gone Shoppping

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I don't like shopping in supermarkets when I don't have a shopping list. Last night we went to Sainsbury's - there were a couple of things we knew we needed but the rest involved walking up and down the aisle looking at the shelves to see what we should buy. As usual we stopped at the 'reduced' section where they had a tub of their top of the range coleslaw and potato salad reduced to 35p. That'll make a nice (if unhealthy) lunch - I made the mistake of checking the fat content.
We couldn't find the breadcrumbs anywhere so we had to ask. I've always been a bit wary of asking in supermarkets ever since an incident involving a loud shop assistant in Chester when I was younger (us: "where's the mayonnaise?" . . . assistant: "THE MAYONNAISE!?!"). The breadcrumbs were eventually located, with the help of a normal-volumed assistant.