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Annoying or Catchy Songs

Story location: Home / Blog / music /

I'm not sure where it came from but I've got Coffee and TV stuck in my head. OK, I like Blur but I don't want one song on a continuous loop while I'm trying to work. The song might have found it's way in when I was in the kitchen, making a cuppa of course, and I saw the catering packs of coffee and tea on the table.

I seem to get a song stuck in my head most days - sometimes one song keeps coming back day after day. Often the only way of getting rid of it is to think of another song but this might only work if the new song is even more catchy, so it isn't a great solution!

King of the Hill

Story location: Home / Blog / tv /

The 2nd and 3rd series of King of the Hill arrived today - or to be precise, Emma went into town to collect them from the Royal Mail depot and pay the duty on them. The 1st series arrived a couple of weeks ago and was delivered with no problems but the two series were packaged together so brought the value above the 'duty free' threshold.

The programme itself wasn't a bit hit over here - maybe people were confused by the nature of the cartoon - the eposides were fairly leasurely and the humour was more low key than many cartoons, with slapstick humour kept to a minimum. If people were expecting a cross between 'Beavis and Buthead' and 'The Simpsons', then they would have been disappointed. What they got instead was an intelligent cartoon about family life in a small town.