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Moving House part 2

Story location: Home / Blog / coventry /

The house-hunting stage is over. We've found a house, made an offer, had it accepted, and sorted out the mortgage. Everything is now in the hands of the solicitors.

We received our copy of the survey last week and were apalled by the numerous mistakes and general poor quality of the report. Here is a sample:

The main roof is pitched, timber framed and clad with tiled roof covering. There is no evidence of significant distortion or timber noted

Does that mean no evidence of timer? Or distortion to the timber?

Rainwater fittings are formed in a mixture of PVC.

End of sentence. Mixture of PVC and... what?

It is assumed that there in adequate structural

End of sentence. Should that be is adequate or is inadequate or what? Even then, adequate structural... what?

The waste pipes to the rear are of PVC section and were also defective. These appear to be in good serviceable condition.

The previous sentence made no mention of anything else being defective, so the also doesn't make sense. And how can something be defective and in good condition at the same time?

There were also numerous grammatical errors, using it's instead of its and changes in tense such as using required instead of requires. The whole report read like it was amateurishly botched together by someone using cut and paste to take sentences from another report.

e.surv Ltd of Kettering, you should be ashamed of yourselves sending us such a shoddy piece of work.